CSGO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes And Properties

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CS:GO Sv_Cheats 1 Kodları Ve Özellikleri (Dev Liste)

In CSGO it is possible to turn on cheats, in this article I will show you sv_cheats 1 console codes and their properties.

First, press é or ~ to open the console and type sv_cheats 1 to use these tricks.

CSGO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes

CS:GO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes and Properties (Giant List)
CSGO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes

sv_cheats 1: Activates cheat mode

cl_levellocks 16382: Opens all cut scenes

notarget: Gives invisibility

noclip: Lets you through walls

god: Gives immortality

CSGO Bot Commands

bot_kill: Kills all bots

bot_sniper_only: Lets bots only get snipers

bot_knives_only: Lets bots use only knives

bot_goto_mark: Lets bots go to certain areas

bot_zombie 1: Allows bots not to move

bot_difficulty: Changes the difficulty level of bots

bot_pistols_only: Lets bots only use pistols

restart: Restarts the map without losing a score

sv_gravity <-999-999999>: Changes gravity

CSGO Cheat Codes

+reload: Lets you reload automatically

-reload: Removes automatic reload trickery

sv_clienttrace 99999999999: Aimbot opens (Turn the value 1 to turn off cheating)

cl_forwardspeed <0-999>: Adjusts the speed of going forward

cl_backwardspeed <0-999>: Adjusts the speed of going backwards

cl_sidespeed <0-999>: Adjusts the side-going speed

changelevel: Changes the map

Mp_c4timer <-1000-1000>: Changes the burst time of C4

r_drawothermodels 2: (Wall Hack) Shows enemies from behind the wall.

CSGO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes

CSGO Bullet Codes

weapon_accuracy_nospread 1: Prevents the spread of the bullet, provides point shot

weapon_accuracy_nospread 0: Disables the command not to propate the bullet

weapon_recoil_scale 0: Prevents the weapon tab (can be reduced or increased)

ent_fire cs_bot AddOutput “ModelScale 0”: Opens aimbot on bots (Turn value 1 to close)

ent_fire !picker addoutput “ModelScale 0”: Open an aimbot on the player you want (When writing this code, look towards the player you want to open aimbot, make the value 1 to turn it off, and look towards the player whose aimbot you want to close again.)

ent_fire !self AddOutput “ModelScale 0”: Gives yourself a aimbot (Turn value 1 to close)

Noclip: It lets you fly through the walls. (Type noclip again for turning it off.)

sv_infinite_ammo 1: Gives unlimited rounds without changing bullets (Instantly gives unlimited rounds)

sv_infinite_ammo 2: Gives unlimited bullets after switching bullets

sv_infinite_ammo 0: Shuts down unlimited ammo cheating

r_drawparticles 0: See-through smoke bomb (You can turn it off by making value 1)

mat_fillrate 1: You will not be blinded by the flash grenade and you can see the enemies through the wall.

Firstperson: Change perspective to first person.

give weapon_ak47: will give you that weapon when you type the name of the weapon you want

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CSGO Sv_Cheats 1 Codes And Properties

When CSGO first appeared in 2012, little was played, but Valve brought in community Market and the game suddenly “Exploded Gone”. Thanks to the market, everyone could sell their skins and buy a new one. After this feature, the only problem was the power imbalance in the games, which later improved.

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